Friday, June 17, 2011

Fay Wray's KING KONG stunt double remembers the big ape

Very cool. Pauline Wagner, who was Fay Wray's stunt double in King Kong, is still kicking at 100 years old. In this article she reminisces about being part of that movie, check it out:


  1. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing the link!
    - Tom

  2. OH! I can't wait to read the article. I was pleasantly surprised at how much trivia I found on Wray and her love of the big ape when doing a post on her recently and then Peter Jackson getting so much of her input when doing his remake of King Kong. It's really sad that she passed before it was completed.

  3. Ray Ban サングラスには、色々な思い出があった。初恋の彼女から、初めてのレイバン wayfarerをもらって、レイバン人生が展開。そして、甘酸っぱい初恋が2年で終わって、新しい自分になりたくて、新たなレイバン モデルを購入、渋い感じがするRB3026だった、今でも愛用し続けている。
